To get started, head over to the schedule screen. On any of our apps you should see the option to add an academic year. An academic year represents a school year (eg. September 2015 – July 2016) and its terms are used to segment that school year. When creating an academic year you can tell My Study Life how your schedule works (fixed, week or day rotation). You can read more about academic years and terms here.
After you've added an academic year, you can add your classes and holidays. When adding a class, you’ll also need to create a subject for it to belong to. If you’re unfamiliar with the term “subject” you can think of it like a course or project which your classes, tasks and exams belong to. You can learn more about subjects here.
When creating classes, they are automatically assigned to the year/term that was selected when you tapped the “New Class” button. At the top of the class input screen, My Study Life will tell you how long the class will repeat in your timetable for. In addition to assigning the class to a year or term, you can also set start/end dates for a class. This is useful when you have a class that only lasts a few weeks within a year or term.
You can also add holidays to an academic year. Holidays prevent your classes repeating during the dates of the holiday (meaning no reminders on mobile devices), although you can still add one-off classes during holidays. If you have configured the academic year to use either a week or day rotation schedule you can also optionally push your schedule using holidays.